Throughout the years Aikido of South Florida has raised more than $30,000 for food, medical supplies, scholarships and fund raising for numerous charities and causes around the world such as Korea, Mongolia, Mexico, Denver and Brazil. We feel these activities are opportunities for us to collaborate our efforts and genuine desire to help others as a group, and pool our friends and family together to get involved. We hope that through our efforts we can possibly change someone's life, or simply give to others that are less fortunate.
This November ASF focused on the heart of our community- The Hollywood Outreach Center, a homeless and crisis center for men, women and children. We wanted to give back to the community where many of our members have lived, worked or played and decided to embrace "Project Hope Tote".
ASF's goal was to provide 150 Hope Tote Bags of basic, personal hygiene items. That said, Aikido of South Florida managed to raise $2900 dollars and 156 Hope Totes!
Pictured to the right: Stephanie Yap, Founder of Aikido of South Florida with Program Supervisor, Don Cotton and Volunteer Coordinator, Lynette Michie.